1 July 2011

Volume 29 No.2, July 2011

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Society Business
Welcome from the Editor, page 2
The Cover, page 2
Mentioned in Despatches, page 3
Treasurer's Report, page 6
Annual General Meeting Report, page 6
The Quarterly Question, page 14
AGM 2011 Photos, page 21

8 The Sarn't Major's Badge of Rank, by Major Colin Robins
9 Sneak Peak - More Light on the Upton Family, by Michael Yanden Bosch and Michael Bartlett
10 Disorderly Behaviour at Spring Hill and elsewhere, by Mike Hinton
12 Famous Regiments - 72nd Regt. of Foot, by Major Frank Clark
13 Famous Regiments - First or Royal Regt. of Foot, by Major Frank Clark
15 Then and Now - River Alma, by Dr. David R. Jones
16 Eyewitness Account of the battle of the Alma (Pt. I). The Mate's Letters from the Crimea by Lieutenant and Captain John Douglas Astley, Scots Fusilier Guards.  Major Colin Robins
17 Excerpts from the West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser, by John Sly
18 Then and Now -The Great Redoubt at the Alma, by Dr. David R. Jones
20 Book Review - The Crimean War at Sea by Peter Duckers, reviewed by Major Colin Robins
20 Beggar's Bush Barracks, Dublin, by Michael Curran
23 The Reconnaisance of Lord Cardigan at Dobrudja, by Anastas Angelov
26 Allied Conference atVarna, by Anastas Angelov
30 Location of Raglan's Knoll at the battle of the Alma, revisited, by Dr. David R. Jones
38 Joseph Wilson, Royal Marine Artillery, by Glenn Fisher
40 Last Survivor? (Colour Sergeant James Gray, Royal Marine Artillery, by Dr. Douglas Austin
43 The Last Frontier, from Crimea to Australia. Corporal James Graham, by Peter Conole
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