A Presentation in Swansea by Diane Oldman 12
Steampunk and the Crimean War by Matthew Pizzo 15
Thomas Edwards, 6th Dragoon Guards by Ian and Helen Smith 6
The German Legion by Philip Haythornthwaite 7
Uniform Question by David Cliff 13
The French Marines in the Crimea by Tony Margrave 14
Another Oak for Sevenoaks! A Note from Mike Hinton 16
The Fire at Varna at the Time of the Crimean War by Anastas Angelov 18
The English School c. 1855 - Four Views of the Crimean Peninsula from Theo Woodham-Smith 21
A Re-enactment of the Battle of the Alma... 27 September 2010 from Yuri Kulikov 24
The Crimean War: The Pictures of the Photo Puzzle by Bridget Ann Henisch 25
Ten Chargers in a 1901 Film! Has it survived anywhere? By Dr. Douglas J. Austin 28
Uniform of the 71st Highland Light Infantry by David Cliff 30
George Powell Houghton, 11th Hussars by Glenn Fisher 32
The Russian Alliance of the 1870s—a Note from Major Colin Robins 37
The Coldstream Guards in the Crimean War by Major Frank Clark 38
Excerpts from Ten Years in South Africa from Lawrence W. Crider 8
Christmas 1854 and the growing shortage of horses — Lord Lucan’s letters of 25 & 26 December 17
The Last Crusade Written by Orlando Figues / Reviewed by Rod Robinson 10
The Siege Collection Edited by Tim Coates / Reviewed by David Cliff 11
Christianizing Crimea: Shaping Sacred Space in the Russian Empire and Beyond, Written by Mara Kozelsky / Reviewed by Dr. Douglas J. Austin 12
The English Hotel from Dr. Douglas J. Austin, p. 6; Robertson’s Turkish Crimea and Fall of Sebastopol Medals 27; Tote those cannonballs, Marcus (Fenton photos) 31; Camels in the Crimea, 31 & 37
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