1 October 2012
Volume 30 No.3 October 2012
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Society Business
2 From the Editor MATTHEW J. PIZZO
2 From the Treasurer KEITH GOODING
3 Mentioned in Despatches - Secretary's Notes DAVID CLIFF
6 Hail to the Chief - A tribute to our President The Marquess of Anglesey on his 90th Birthday MAJOR COLIN ROBINS OBE
7 Lord Anglesey's Visit to the Crimea THE MARQUESS OF ANGLESEY
8 Chesney Gold Medal Presentation - Prensentation by the RUSI of the medal for outstanding achievement in Military History to our President, The Marquess of Anglesey, for his eight volume work, "A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919". Reprinted from The War Correspondent, Vol.15, No.1, April 1997. MAJOR COLIN ROBINS OBE
10 More Light on the Upton Family Part 3 - continues the story of William Upton, son of the British builder of the Sevastopol docks, captured by the British in 1854. MICHAEL VANDEN BOSCH & ROGER BARTLETT
19 Sinope - a Turkish perspective. MIKE HINTON
22 T.H. Roberts versus William Bird? CHRISTOPHER J. POOLE
24 The Alma and the Shock of Battle GLENN FISHER
34 Where did Nolan Hand Raglan's 'Fourth Order' to Lucan? DR. DAVID R. JONES
40 Figurehead from Russian Steamer 'Maloditz' JOHN BEVAN
41 Member's Request about Corporal John Spurling, 63rd Foot MARK TALBOT
41 Crimean Veteran Grave Discovered - Private Daniel Meara COLONEL PETER KNOX OBE
42 Book Review: The Invasion of the Crimea &c., by William Kinglake, reprinted by Cambridge University Press MATTHEW J. PIZZO
43 Book Review: In Search of the Heavy Brigade by Lawrence Crider MAJOR COLIN ROBINS OBE
44 Accounting KEITH GOODING
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1 July 2012
Volume 30 No.2 July 2012
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2 From the Editor MATTHEW PIZZO
2 From the Treasurer KEITH GOODING
3 Mentioned in Despatches - Secretary's Notes. DAVID CLIFF
5 On the Cover - 68th Light Infantry in the Crimea MAJOR JEFF BENNETT
6 Turkish Uniforms - Period Uniforms of the Crimean Era: a review/commentary on C.A. Norman's 'Turkish Uniforms of the Crimean Era' CHRIS FLAHERTY
34 Book Review: 'The Luckless Tribe: The Golden Age of British War Reporters', by Brian Best. MAJOR COLIN ROBINS OBE
35 West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser; extracts. JOHN SLY
36 Would the Real Mary Seacole Please Stand Up and be Recognised? LYNN MCDONALD
38 E.R. Smythe's Painting - The Light Cavalry Charge at the Battle of Balaklava. PETER HARRINGTON
43 Crimean War General Orders - how they were researched and compiled for CD-ROM. TONY MARGRAVE
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1 April 2012
Volume 30 No.1 April 2012
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2 From the Editor MATT PIZZO
2 Charitable Status Update TREASURER KEITH GOODING
2 On the Cover - French and British Officers Conferring Over a Map MAJOR JEFF BENNETT
3 Mentioned in Despatches - Secretary's Notes DAVE CLIFF
6 Notes from Crimea - Sevastopol Representative CAPTAIN YURI KULIKOV
8 Where Angels Fear to Tread - Louise is an Oxford English scholar and former TV producer who writes historical novels for Penguin under the name ‘A.L. Berridge’. Here she writes about the process of researching her latest, which is set in the Crimean War. LOUISE BERRIDGE
13 Excerpts from the West Briton and Cornwall Advertiser JOHN SLY
14 Sir Morton Peto - Railway Genius and Saviour of the Army of the East MAJOR COLIN ROBINS OBE
16 Queen Victoria’s Heroes, Pt. I - "The medal for service in the Crimea had its origins in a letter dated 30 November 1854 from Queen Victoria to the Duke of Newcastle. It stated that ‘The Queen thinks that no time should be lost in announcing the intention of the Queen to confer a medal on all those who have been engaged in the arduous and brilliant campaign in the Crimea..." GLENN FISHER
26 More Light on the Upton Family Part Two - "The story so far. In The War Correspondent 28/1 (April 2010) Major Colin Robins and two Russian colleagues (“K/R”) told the story of John Upton, a British engineer who fled justice in England to become the builder of Sevastopol’s great dry docks. They also enquired into his family, which posed problems of identity." MICHAEL VANDEN BOSCH & ROGER BARTLETT
33 Book Reviews: Into the Valley of Death, by A.L. Berridge, and Crimean War General Orders: 30th April 1854 to 30th June 1856 - A Crimean War Publishers CD-ROM. Both by MAJOR COLIN ROBINS
34 Book Review: A Professional Soldier, by Matthew Perry. The biography of James Duncan of the 17th Lancers. LARRY CRIDER
34 Graveyard in the Crimea - This image comes from The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly (Edited by George Newnes, London), Volume 5, 1893 p.517, forming part of an article about the residence of Sir Robert Rawlinson KCB. The image entitled “Graveyard in the Crimea”is of a painting in Rawlinson’s collection, but whether it is imaginary or not I am unable to say. It should challenge our members’detective skills to discover whether the painting still exists, and perhaps unearth its long lost provenance. FRANK GARIE
35 Proposed Constitution
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1 January 2012
Volume 29 No.4, January 2012
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Society Business:
2 Welcome from the Editor 2 On The Back Cover - Recovering a Stranded Horse at Sevastopol; Major Jeff Bennett
3 Mentioned in Despatches
6 Charitable Status Update
6 Army Records Society
7 From The Archives: Floating Factories by the late Brian Cook; Major Colin Robins
9 Excerpts from the West Briton & Cornwall Advertiser; John Sly
10 The Location of the Russian Reserves at Alma; Dr. David R. Jones & Manita Mishina
16 Queen Victoria's Heroes, Pt.II; Glenn Fisher
22 Eyewitness Account, the Defence of Petropavlovsk Port, 1854; A.P. Arbuzov, translated by Mark Conrad
29 Devnya Plaque; Anastas Angelov
29 Samuel Parkes; David Cliff
31 Nolan at Balaklava,Pt.V1; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
41 Book Review: Crimean Cavalry Letters, edited by Glenn Fisher; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
41 Book Review: Echelon: The Light Brigade at Balaklava, James W. Bancroft; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
42 Book Review: French Infantry of the Crimean War, Anthony I. Dawson; Mark Davidson
42 Book Review: The Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle, Peter Smithurst; Mark Davidson
43 Book Review: Seageant Conway, soldier of the Crimean War, Jeff Atkinson; Major Colin Robins
44 'C.W.', Captain Nolan's Friend; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
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