1 January 2012
Volume 29 No.4, January 2012
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Society Business:
2 Welcome from the Editor 2 On The Back Cover - Recovering a Stranded Horse at Sevastopol; Major Jeff Bennett
3 Mentioned in Despatches
6 Charitable Status Update
6 Army Records Society
7 From The Archives: Floating Factories by the late Brian Cook; Major Colin Robins
9 Excerpts from the West Briton & Cornwall Advertiser; John Sly
10 The Location of the Russian Reserves at Alma; Dr. David R. Jones & Manita Mishina
16 Queen Victoria's Heroes, Pt.II; Glenn Fisher
22 Eyewitness Account, the Defence of Petropavlovsk Port, 1854; A.P. Arbuzov, translated by Mark Conrad
29 Devnya Plaque; Anastas Angelov
29 Samuel Parkes; David Cliff
31 Nolan at Balaklava,Pt.V1; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
41 Book Review: Crimean Cavalry Letters, edited by Glenn Fisher; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
41 Book Review: Echelon: The Light Brigade at Balaklava, James W. Bancroft; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
42 Book Review: French Infantry of the Crimean War, Anthony I. Dawson; Mark Davidson
42 Book Review: The Pattern 1853 Enfield Rifle, Peter Smithurst; Mark Davidson
43 Book Review: Seageant Conway, soldier of the Crimean War, Jeff Atkinson; Major Colin Robins
44 'C.W.', Captain Nolan's Friend; Dr. Douglas J. Austin
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